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In einem Interview mit Project M, einem Medium der Allianz SE, wird Josef Wertschulte als Experte zum Thema Zeitwertkonten zu den Ursprüngen des Flexi-Gesetzes befragt und schildert seine Sicht zu dieser Reform der Altersversorgung. Für ihn liegt die Zukunft der Zeitwertkonten in der Weiterentwicklung zu einem flexiblen, autarken und für jedermann verfügbaren Ansparmodell wie es zum Beispiel in den USA realisiert wurde. (19.12.2013)
PROJECT M: Mr. Wertschulte, you’re one of Germany’s experts on working time accounts [a record of working hours spent by an employee in any given accounting period showing ‘credit’ and ‘debit’ hours]. Do you also have an account like this that lets you take time off?
JOSEF F. WERTSCHULTE: Of course we offer flexi accounts in our company, Anovia. Unfortunately, though, I personally cannot save into such an account because German tax authorities currently do not allow members of a company’s executive body to participate.
PROJECT M: It seems ironic that you can’t use a scheme that you helped devise, given that you were involved in the development of the laws governing flexible working hours in Germany.
JOSEF F. WERTSCHULTE: That’s true. Originally everyone could participate. Unfortunately, tax authorities used the revisions in Flexi Law II to exclude members of executive bodies. However, recent court decisions indicate that this cannot be upheld.
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